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Remote Bowen

The Bowen Technique also works remotely. This means I can 'send' Bowen from my treatment room to you in your location.


How could this possibly work? With good intention, utilising the earth's natural energy lines (so I'm told).


All I know for sure is that I first started working remotely to support my clients during first lockdown in 2020. It soon became apparent that it is just as effective as hands-on Bowen and is especially beneficial for those who have chronic pain or mobility issues.


If you think this may be of benefit to you, please contact me. I will then send some forms to you. Once completed and returned I will contact you to arrange a time for the first session. The session will involve a telephone call to ensure I have all the relevant information. Then I'll 'send' the Bowen to you. I will be in my treatment room physically performing the Bowen moves as if you were there. Once finished I will call or text you so you are aware the session is complete.

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